Pay & Play

Pay & Play

Our four all-weather tennis courts are available for use by the public which can be booked on-line subject to availability up to 2 weeks in advance. Bookings can be made on-line by registering with ClubSpark using the following link: -

Booking fees vary and can be clearly seen on the website but usually cost £3 / half hour. If floodlights are required, this is currently charged at £3 / half hour.

Pay & Play is often available other than when club nights, tournaments,coaching and matches are taking place.

Court access is free to club members however as the courts are owned by the council there is a sharing arrangement with public pay and play non-members. Court bookings are made using the on-line booking system from ClubSpark. As part of the booking process members can see real time court usage and forward availability so they can book spontaneously or plan ahead.

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